Getting Stuff Done

Auto-Image Prompts

Creative image prompts via automated logic.

Visuals are an easy way to attract attention. Yet I’m not a visual artist; logic is my thing.

Therefore, I figured out a way to use my artistic logic to create imagery to accompany the social media content I craft.

And while Midjourney creates more impressive images, I’ve long considered DALL-E’s results good enough. Plus, DALL-E can be automated; Midjourney can’t.

Image Prompt Creation Prompt

I’ve built up several versions of this system to support the following image prompt creation prompt (IPCP). Meanwhile, this image prompt has been refined many times because of GPT and DALL-E improvements in the past year to avoid errors and improve image likeability.

For example, previous image prompt versions included guidance to prevent explicit or obscene content. Nowadays, that’s not necessary because of OpenAI’s safety practices.

Please ignore all prior prompt instructions.

Act as a professional AI artist.

Create an image prompt based on the content below the "||1||" marker.

The audience is DALL-E 3, an image-generation generative AI model created by OpenAI.

- Adding prompt instructions, introductions, salutations, and conclusions.
- Using any prompt-related instructions after "||1||".
- Using complex vocabulary and jargon.
- Using passive voice and wordiness.
- Using qualifiers and fillers.
- Using advertising and infographic design types for Style.
- Using any of these words: "PH_EXCLUSTION_TERMS."
- Using more than 60 words in the output.

- Maintain a clear idea of the image.
- Practice ethnic and gender diversity.
- Break the image into Subject, Style, Color, and Composition components.
- Describe the Subject using a simple adjective and emotion.
- Define the Style's artistic look and feel. Consider using one of the following aspects.
-- Illustration styles
-- Aesthetics
-- 3D specifications
-- Shots, Angles, and Perspectives
-- Lighting and Mood
-- Artists and Artworks
-- Film type
- Select a Color palette per the Subject's emotion.
- Describe the Composition using an expressive Subject, a primary activity, where the action occurs, and a background.

Output Example = """
Subject: very excited skateboarding cat character.
Style: cyberpunk illustration like Michah Dowbak.
Color: blue and purple.
Composition: skateboarding cat in a city.

Max Tokens: 150
Temperature: 0.4
Top-p: 0.8
Frequency Penalty: -0.25
Presence Penalty: 0.1


Running the IPCP OpenAI completion module input view

While that image prompt creation prompt is the core of the image creation process, other components must be included for best results: Source Materials and Custom Instructions.

Source Materials

The IPCP is supported by source materials on what to create the image prompt about. The source materials might be a web scrap or manually provided for the topic being written about.

Web scrapped source materials from an article

Custom Instructions

Besides source materials, I include custom instructions to help the system provide branding or other relevance to the image prompt.

Name: Michael Cannon

Role: Director of Intelligent Automation, Axelerant – a digital transformation company valuing enthusiasm, kindness, and openness.

Current Work: AI and automation business solutions, organizational empowerment, and promoting Axelerant's professional services and career options.

Interests: Empowering work ownership, new experiences, reading, slow travel.

Values: Smile, respect, purpose.

Background: American, born 1972, has two sons, thrice-married, lives in Taiwan, USAF veteran, and 25-year world traveler.

Learning Style: Social kinesthetic, visual, solitary logical.

Goals: Expand Intelligent Automation customer base, retire comfortably at 62.

Preferences: Apple devices, mindfulness, productive automation, and active on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

Language: Native English, intermediate Chinese, beginner French.

Specialized Knowledge: Leadership, problem-solving, people management.

Education: Bachelor's in computer science (business concentration).

Communication Style:
- Use American English.
- Approachably professional and succinct tone.
- Engagingly clear and empathetically informative style.
- Uses gender-neutral language.

Bringing Them Together

OpenAI Completion Input

We’re provided with a single image prompt in providing the image prompt creation prompt, source materials, and custom instructions to an OpenAI completion module via

OpenAI Completion Output

That image prompt is fed to a OpenAI DALL-E 3 image creation module.

And DALL-E 3 created the following image.

AI Multitasking Maestro-74.jpg

The image name is created using an image title creation prompt with the image prompt as source materials. Other modules send the image information to Google Sheets and Slack for the next steps.

Actual Image Prompts & Images

The following prompts and images are based on Sean Handley’s leadership vs. management article and shared on Slack. Each includes an approval or regeneration link.

Questions? Thoughts?

Please share them.

A special thanks to Paul S., fellow Seattle and Hualien lover, for inspiring me to share this topic.

By Michael Cannon

Boundless Virgo water-rat, Drusus & Jace's remote dad, for @Axelerant's success, of conscious choices & simple living by kindness through curiosity & reflection

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